Wines Cellars Ltd Apps

Wine Cellar Pod Manager 1.0
The Physical Wine Cellar Pod is an underfloorwine cellar 3 tiers deep holding a total of 81 bottles of wine (27per tier). The Wine Cellar Pod Manager app allows you to scan yourwine bottle, upload its details via the barcode, and choose aposition for the bottle on one of 3 tiers in your underfloor WineCellar Pod.So its simple to navigate.... Tier 1 rack position 12 could beyour bottle of Pinot Grigio… Tier 2 rack position 27 could be aChateau Neuf du Pape and so on. The app allows you to catalogue inyour own Wine Cellar Pod library the position of all your 81bottles in the physical Cellar. Once your bar codes are scanned andall the relevant details of each bottle are stored in theirposition, a simple search facility will allow you to find any winein any position. There's more, if you like the wine double tap onthe bottle and you will be directed online to a number of retailersso you can order to replenish any stock you have used.NB. Each tier holds 27 bottles rack 28 is a blank.1.Type in the name of the wine2.Scan the bar code.3.Scanner uploads the Details4.Select a position on the app5.Place the bottle in the same tier and rack position in thephysical cellar.6.Double tap to access retail reordering facility to replacestock.Thank you for choosing the Wine Cellar Pod.